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Join the Asekol Swimrun with Ostra,

on September 7th 2024, in Dąbrowa Górnicza!


Don’t miss the chance for

an unforgettable adventure and a sports challenge.


Ready to test your abilities?

Join now!

Formats and distances


Distance: approx. 26 km
(approx. 22 km of running and approx. 4 km of swimming).

The Wyrypa Course is completed in two-person teams. Teams cannot separate by more than 10 meters and must be connected by a tether.

Teams in the following categories::
- male
- female
- mixed


Distance: approx. 11 km
(approx. 8.2 km of running and approx. 1.9 km of swimming).

We complete the Marzenie course individually or in pairs.

Teams in the following categories::
- male
- female
- mixed


Category 1 - 1.3 km run and 300 m swim
Category 2 – 1.6 km run and 400 m swim
Category 3 – 2.4 km run and 500 m swim

The For Fun course is completed only in two-person teams (consisting of an adult and a child). Teams cannot separate by more than 10 meters and must be connected by a tether.

Categories based on the child's age:
Child's category - born in 2011-2013 along with an adult
Child's category - born in 2008-2010 along with an adult
Child's category - born in 2005-2007 along with an adult

About the project

It came to us from Scandinavia…

Open waters, lakes, lands, wetlands…

Unrestricted freedom…

You can’t get closer to nature than with SWIMRUN!

Now, a little about Swimrun.
Firstly, it has nothing to do with triathlon, although it involves both swimming and running.
Secondly, it’s not Runmageddon either, although there are many obstacles created by nature.

These are the two main associations people have when they first hear about swimrun.

My dream, as well as that of all the enthusiasts of this discipline, is for people to finally understand what swimrun is and not confuse it with any of these sports.
There’s also the question of whether swimrun is an extreme sport and why it’s gaining followers so slowly.

It definitely seems extreme to someone who is unfamiliar with it. Like with any sport, you need to work a bit on technique and the strength of the right muscle groups to make it more enjoyable and less extremely odd. It also depends on the distance and your expectations of yourself. Any major effort beyond our capacity can feel extreme, but swimrun event organizers have made sure to adjust the length of the distance to match the abilities of the participants.”



Prizes in each category:

I place - 800 PLN
II place - 600 PLN
III place - 400 PLN


Prizes in each category:

I place individual - 400 PLN
II place individual - 300 PLN
III place individual - 200 PLN

I place pairs - 800 PLN
II place pairs - 600 PLN
III place pairs - 400 PLN


Prizes in each category:

I place - 200 PLN
II place - 100 PLN
III place - 100 PLN

Follow project on FB

We want to be with you every step of the way during this year’s Asekol Swimrun with Ostra!

That’s why on our official Facebook page, we will keep you updated with the latest news, updates, and additional contests that will take place during this extraordinary event!

Stay informed about all the important details regarding our event.

We invite you to like our Facebook page!

See you there!



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